Wide range of services

Comprehensive coverage

It is a comprehensive plan which covers hospitalization in first class private rooms, outpatient care, paraclinical tests, benefits and additional discounts in other services.

The plan includes hospitalization in first class private rooms with bed and breakfast for the companion (except for other current healthcare plans).
30-day psychiatric hospitalization coverage in a specialised clinic.
Medication covered 100% (under National Formulary).
The patient is treated with a multidisciplinary approach by the treating physician together with the Department of Medicine.

The Obstetrics team is supervised by the Professor of Gynaecology and is formed by treating gynaecologists, duty gynaecologists, specialised nursing, breastfeeding consultants and psychologists. The whole team is well organised and coordinated to ensure that mother and baby receive the best professional care and emotional support. The postpartum rooms are designed to make the family’s stay a unique experience.

Birthing room system.

Choice of obstetrician and neonatologist.
Consultations and follow-up pregnancy tests.
Antenatal care free of charge.
Automatic membership of the baby at birth (provided that it is born at the Hospital under the care of doctors of the Hospital’s authorised list).
Free of charge pregnancy and childbirth classes for mothers with more than 5 years membership.
hospitalization for delivery in a private room (except for pre-existing contracts) with bed and breakfast for the companion.
(All these benefits are acquired after 10 months of membership)
Optional obstetric analgaesia.
Optional antenatal classes.

Coverage of highly specialised medicine by the National Resources Fund (FNR). The Hospital has a Unit of Haematology, Dialysis and pacemaker implant service which are part of the benefits offered by the FNR.

Total critical care coverage for both children and adults.

Our members have direct healthcare coverage at our emergency department all year round for critical and moderate care, both in the adult and children's sector.

Emergency coverage in the interior of the country at healthcare centres chosen by members.

Prior coordination with our doctors on call (ext. 3000) is required.

Members have access to an oncology unit under the supervision of the treating physicians, the polychemotherapy nursing team, radiotherapist, dietitian and specialised psychologists.

The plan covers 100% of every oncological treatment (under the authorised national VAM protocol).

Rehabilitation is fully covered. We have a Department of Physical Therapy specialised in conventional treatments, as well as neurological, respiratory and pelvic floor treatments. Hydrotherapy is included for treatments that require it.

We have a large team of professionals for treating and follow up patients with these requirements, both adults and children.
Patients are hospitalised in specialised clinics for their convenience (no limit with Fonasa coverage).

Access to medical sub-specialities within a reasonable time.
Free choice of general practitioners and specialists.
Professional and warm dedicated care.
Consultants available at the request of the attending physician.
Day consultations (primary care specialities).
Telemedicine or online consultations.

National Formulary approved by the Ministry of Public Health (MSP).
100% covered for inpatients.
100% covered for Oncology (MSP protocol).
50% discount on outpatient medication at affiliated pharmacies (Farmacia El Túnel, Farmashop y San Roque).
Optional charge system.
Home delivery from affiliated pharmacies (Farmacia El Túnel, Farmashop y San Roque) free of charge.

The entire range of tests are centralised and available. Primary tests may be done at the Carrasco Clinic.
Covered by National Formulary (MSP).
These tests can be requested by hospital staff doctors or by doctors from the affiliated Ambulance Emergency Service.

Non-urgent home doctor coverage. Within the limits of Montevideo (including La Tahona).

Total coverage for oral and maxillofacial surgery.
50% discount for conventional dental inpatients.
Urgent consultations free of charge at the UCM Dental Care Clinic.
Discount of up to 40% on conventional treatments.

The plan offers free ambulance emergency service with UCM.

The Plan offers healthcare activities and programmes for all ages and stages of life.
Workshops for the care of children in the family, accident prevention, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), healthy eating, old age, sexuality, stress, are some of the topics regularly addressed.

* There is a fixed charge for all outpatient care received at the hospital.

Customize your health plan according to your needs

Optional services

There are additional options and services that can be added to the monthly fee, with specific plans.

The plans and their respective terms and conditions are available at the Hospital Scheme office.

Insurance covered by the Banco de Seguros del Estado (State Insurance Bank).

Main features of coverage:

Expenses related to scheduled (inpatient) surgical procedures that may or may not be performed in Uruguay.
Up to US$ 1.000,000 for hospitalization and expenses in surgical procedures and up to US$ 100,000 for oncological treatment.
Plans with deductibles of US$ 5,000 and US$ 10,000.
Assistance service for the companion of US$ 200 per day for up to 30 days.
Coverage must be first arranged with BSE which covers the costs directly. There is no refund.
Antenatal care coverage (at the request of the mother) without exclusions if the mother is insured by this insurance for at least 10 months before the birth.
Age limit for this insurance: 60 years.
Pre-existing conditions are fully or partially excluded from this coverage.

Documents to download:

- Sworn statement (Complete the sworn statement online and then print).

- SQ Letter

- SQ Policy

The complete and signed sworn statement must be submitted at our offices together with the letter and photocopy of the applicant’s identity card.

To request coverage:

You need to have the doctor’s authorisation for a surgical procedure or an oncological treatment and proceed to the British Hospital Scheme office to complete the arrangements as required.

Under no circumstances can coverage abroad be granted unless it has previously been authorised by the British Hospital Scheme office and has received subsequent approval by the BSE (State Insurance Bank).

Travel Insurance is provided by MAWDY Uruguay and offers several plans according to the type of travel and coverage you wish to purchase.

Documents to download:

Plan VIP

- Vip

Plan Plus (complies with the requirements of the Schengen Agreement in Europe)

- Plus

Plan Platinum (coverage that includes pre-existing conditions)

- Platinum


Outpatients can access their prescribed medicine through an optional co-payment system.

Funeral coverage is covered by Previsora Martinelli.

Cremation supplement $240 (age limit 74 years).

Main features of coverage:

Best plan provided by the company.
Includes top quality service, two obituaries and wreath.
Immediate benefits for new members of the British Hospital Scheme.
Coverage begins after 3 months of enrolment, covering up to 50 years of age; with 6 months of enrolment it covers up to 65 years of age; 10 months of enrolment up to 75 years of age; 15 months of enrolment up to 89 years of age and 20 months of enrolment from 90 years of age onwards.
Direct family members who are not members of the British Hospital Scheme can receive coverage (parents up to 55 years old, spouses, children and siblings).

The coverage can include cremation service through Previsora Martinelli with an additional cost of $240 (age limit 74 years).
For more information, contact the Membership Department at extension 1301.