We have a first-class department formed by healthcare professionals who are national leaders in the field.
To improve the Department's Healthcare quality, we work with a "Heart Team" approach.
We emphasize the academic approach to patient care, with ongoing training of our doctors.
The Hospital has adapted treatments and diagnoses based on international protocols.
The echocardiogram is a crucial tool in current clinical practice for diagnosis and monitoring of cardiovascular diseases, hence the importance of achieving the highest level of excellence when doing it. The Echocardiography Lab at the British Hospital has 2 areas.
- Adult TTE (transthoracic) and TOE (transoesophageal) echocardiograms.
- Pharmacological and ergometric stress echocardiogram.
The British Hospital is the first healthcare facility in Uruguay to have certified sonographers to perform all the different types of tests on adults.
All physicians in the echocardiography lab have successfully completed the Examination of Special Competence in Adult Echocardiography of the US National Board of Echocardiography (NBE) for which they have received accreditation.
The NBE sets the highest international standards and promotes excellence in interpreting and performing cadiovascular Echo Doppler tests.
We also provide the stress echocardiography in its different modalities, exercise and pharmacological, under the direction of a national expert in the field.
State-of-the-art equipment allows us to perform different types of echocardiogram tests for studying ventricular mechanics, cardiac work and 4D image processing.
Duty sonographers are on site from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. followed by a night shift sonographer, enabling early diagnosis of patients who require it.
The department also performs PACEMAKER IMPLANTS, having been authorised to do so by the National Resources Fund (FNR).
Staff from this department have a vocation for improving health quality and have given a series of educational seminars throughout the years on ways to significantly improve quality of life through changes in lifestyle and habits.