The British Hospital carried out update conferences at Emergentology

Diario EL PAIS_Semanario BUSQUEDA

Organized by the Emergency Service and by the British Hospital Continued Medical Education Department, the First Conferences on Emergency Updates were held, with the participation of a selected group of exponents, leaders of their own specialties, and nursing and medical professionals from different parts of the country.

The activity was carried out on the 15th and 16th of the present month, within the framework of the policy of updating and permanent training of its professionals, promoted by the British Hospital Board of Directors to ensure the best level of healthcare quality.

The educational aim of the conferences was to update the participants beginning with the presentation and discussion of clinical cases and finally by sharing the best practices with contributions from both the academic field and the daily practice of the specialty.

The activity carried out in one of the British Hospital auditoriums " it was the starting point for a series of conferences on the subject on an annual basis with the aim of disseminating and updating knowledge in emergency medicine" explained Dr. Selva Romero, Head of the British Hospital Adult Emergency Unit, in conjunction with Dr. Valentín González.

The specialist highlighted that doctors, graduates and nursing assistants, from the public and private Institutions, both from Montevideo and from the rest of the country, have participated in the initiative, and she also emphasized that " the idea in the future is to increase the participation to all the employees who work at emergency -administrative departments, stretcher bearers, the cleaning staff- and the support services, such as imaging and laboratory.

The context is the growing development of Emergentology as a medical specialty. "In recent years, urgent and emergency services have received an evident increase in their consultations, worldwide there is an overdemand at urgent and emergency assistance" exposed Romero.

Emergentology or Emergency Medicine is the medical specialty that deals with assistance, teaching, research and prevention in urgent and emerging situations and in this framework of the evaluation, management and treatment of people who, due to any symptom event or problem that requires immediate medical attention, whether clinical, surgical or psychiatric.

“In recent years the development of the specialty has been exponential, a reality to which the British Hospital has not been stranger. Remaining faithful to the development of a medicine of excellence, the continued medical education in Emergentology issues is of the greatest importance to us, as it prepares us to the different and frequent stages that we are faced in an Emergency Service” valued Dr. Romero.

Management of acute coronary Syndrome, Humanized Care Model, healthcare assistance Organization and Nursing Management Structure in the Emergency Service, Trauma Situations, Low Back Pain, Vertigo, Hypertension in pregnancy, Mastitis and FAST (Focused Abdominal Sonography for Trauma), were some of the subjects presented and discussed during the conferences.




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