9th Updates´ Seminar in Internal Medicine 2018


Monday 28th and tuesday 29th of May, 8:30 am to 1:30 pm and from 3:00 pm to 7:30 pm.  

British Hospital Auditorium
Morales Polyclinic
Morales 2578, 3rd Floor

Updates 2018 in diagnostic and therapeutic aspects. Mini-conferences - workshops based on the discussion of medical records. Subjects: • Acute meningo-encephalitis (in immunocompetent and immunocompromised). • Immunizations in the immunocompromised. • Tremor (all types) • Urinary lithiasis. • Osteoporosis and its complications • Biological therapy of autoimmune diseases. • Donation and transplants of cells, tissues and organs in Uruguay (INDT). International Guests: Dr. Néstor Sosa, FACP - International Ambassador of American Collage of Physicians USA. Dr. Rosa Benítez (Chile) María Silvia Larroude (Argentina) Dr. Alejandro García (FACP - Argentina) General Coordination: Dr. Juan C. Bagattini Addressed to: doctors of internal medicine, resident doctors of medicine and other specialties, practical doctors. Organized by: American Collage of Physicians Internal Medicine Society of Uruguay British Hospital Registration by email: emc@hospitalbritanico.org.uy   Enrolments Abitab: quote Internal Medicine – British Hospital" number account n° 85686 Registration cost: $ 750 See image gallery

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