To the traveller who returns to the country (mainly from the most affected countries)
Stay at home as much as possible for 15 days (until symptoms are ruled out).
Avoid crowds.
Do good hand washing at home and keep surfaces clean.
Do not share table ware and mate.
Aerate environments regularly.
Avoid greeting with hug, kiss and hand.
Control body temperature.
Control the appearance of respiratory infection symptoms (cough, shortness of breath, etc.).
Use a surgical mask only in case of symptoms.
Wash your hands regularly or use an alcohol-based solution.
Avoid all contact with people with chronic diseases.
In case of presenting the referred symptoms, contact your GP and stay at home.
For prevention in the community and personal protection:
Avoid greeting with hug, kiss and hand.
Do nor go to crowd places.
Washing hands with soap and water for 20 seconds, especially if visiting public places, or after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing.
Do not share utensils and mate.
Bring alcohol gel (65 to 95%) and rub your hands until dry.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth if you have not previously washed your hands.
Use face masks only to care for a sick patient with Covid 19.
Frequently clean surfaces that are touched daily: tables, latches, keys, cell phones, bathrooms, taps, sinks (with alcohol gel or any common detergent).
In case of symptoms (fever, dry cough, discomfort)
To face this pandemic in the best possible way, we must calm down, collaborate and become aware of the general measures recommended to take care of ourselves.