In August was initiated the second series of activities of the year aimed at the British Hospital members. Through health education, which is focused on issues of interest mentioned by our members, we plan to improve their life quality. The second sequence of activities began last 4th of August with the talk "Sleep is a reachable dream" which, based on members ´requests, will be repeated on the 1st of September. During her exhibition, Dr. Cecilia Orellana, gives recommendations for a better sleep and a quality rest. In order to know more about the Sleep Medicine and its effects we suggest watching the following illustrative video: see video. Furthermore, in August started a new course “Knowing how to get old and prevent dependency”, by Lic. Ana Charamelo aimed at adults older than 65 years who are oriented to talk and deep into on how years change us. In April, we held the first edition of these series of workshops, and through the involvement of its participants we continue knowing our members´ needs, identifying new issues and doubts to be solved. Meanwhile, in the World Breastfeeding Week, mothers and pregnant women who are members of the Hospital Scheme, were invited to a talk about Healthy Eating in infancy and techniques: myths and facts, which were held on Thursday 18th of August, in which an interdisciplinary team of representatives of Nutrition and Diet Therapy and the Hospital Breastfeeding Polyclinic team, addressed the most frequent doubts and was available to answer all questions that mothers may have regarding this subject. In the end, participants shared a full healthy afternoon snack, and we gave them away a delicious recipe to share at home! Finally, also in August, following people’s requests for the replication of the course of "Resuscitation and First Aid for Children", three editions will be made with full seats aimed at parents of children who are members of the Hospital. We invite you to know the scheduled activities for the rest of the year by visiting the exclusive activities agenda for our members: see schedule We hope you can join us!