On Tuesday 6th of September was the opening of the new facilities for the Unit of Bone Marrow Transplantation in Immunedepressed. The new facility is located on the first floor of the hospitalization area, and is situated next to the First Medical Surgical Floor. This work not only doubles the locative aid capacity from 2 to 4 rooms, but also facilitates the waiting process´ benefits of those who need to receive this sort of treatment. The new physical infrastructure has the technology and the last generation design with the most modern functionality and equipment, extolling the history and development of this specialty in our institution. According to this, we recall with great respect thrusters such as Prof. Dr. Roberto De Bellis, to whom we owe very significant advances in the area, and other major professionals who today make us proud as Prof. Dr. Paul Muxí and his medical team, medical and nursing professionals who, thanks to their involvement, to their contribution and experience they have made possible the development of this area, leading day by day to the growth of the prestige of our institution.