In the British Hospital we celebrate Christmas with joy, leaving in each encounter a message of happiness and hope.... On Friday 9th of December, the Day Hospital celebrated the end of the year with all its patients. In this instance, the guests enjoyed a dance and a violin and guitar show by Dr. Álvaro Córdoba, Neurosurgeon of our staff. In addition, Maria Luisa Rodríguez, Graduate in Nursing and supervisor of the area, surprised the guests with the participation of the choir "Camerata of Montevideo" in which she takes part. On December the 14th, 15th, 21st and 22nd four Christmas workshops aimed to children members of the British Hospital from 4 to 12 years old were held with great convocation, addressed to stimulate creativity and healthy ways of entertainment during vacations. They were led by the Hospital Recreation, Nutrition and Diet Therapy´s teams. Due to the proximity of Christmas Night members of the English community of our country toured the corridors of our Hospital approaching Christmas magic through the Villancicos music and a group of ballet dancers who visited the areas of Pediatrics, Emergency and the Hospital Polyclinic, playing "Casanueces" by Tchaikovsky, bringing joy to every corner where our children were. We wish you all a Merry Christmas.