We wish to inform you that the logistics, schedule and registration for the vaccination on the different stages, depends exclusively on the MSP and the National Authorities.
We’ve implemented an exclusive area for the vaccination against Covid 19 and we’re ready to follow this great challenge that we have to face as professionals and as part of society.
Within the agenda offered by the MSP, we will be one of the options to choose as a vaccination centre, open to the entire community.
For this reason, the vaccination administration will not depend on our institution but on the methodology that the MSP has implemented for the entire campaign at a national level.
At the moment the arranged stages are:
Phase 1 | from the 1st to the 15th of March
Groups authorized to schedule:
Phase 2 | from the 8th of March to the 26th of April
Groups NOT enabled to schedule yet:
Phase 3 | Dates to be confirmed
Once stages 1 and 2 have been covered, vaccination for adults and older adults will begin, starting with those over 75 years of age, and vaccinating progressively and in stages until covering young people of 18 years old. The beginning of these stages will be timely informed by the MSP through the press.
The time schedule is made directly through the MSP's means of contact:
Call center: 08001919 Whatsapp: 098 999 999 | Coronavirus App | www.msp.gub.uy
If any questions or doubts, please contact our Operations Centre at 24871020 ext. 0 or to the usual number of our Vaccination Center, ext. 4999.