Heart week

“It makes me feel good, it’s good for my heart”

In the context of the Week for the Heart, the Hospital will offer the following activities:

  • Initial diagnostic consultation (blood pressure check-up, weight, height and incidental education) in charge of the Nurses at the Central Polyclinic hall from 10 am to 4 pm and at Carrasco’s Clinic from 8 am to 1 pm.
  • Table exhibitions with Food Design and surveys on breakfast habits in charge of the Graduates in Nutrition who’ll bring nutritional education to members. Coordination: Grad. A. Amestoy. 
  • Invitation to make a “heartfelt promise” to those members willing to do so.
  • Games referring to the topic, promoting healthy habits at our Children’s Place.

Workshop “Ready, set, …and my heart?”

In charge of the doctors Federico Superchi and Juan Tourn.

The objective of this chat is to guide athletes into having a medical cardiovascular check-up before taking up intense exercise, with the purpose of ensuring safety in the practice of the sport.

Thursday 4th of October 7 pm. Capacity limit.

More information and registrations: Appointment reservations, extension number 2740.

We invite you to see pictures of the Heart´s Week at the British Hospital. Click here.

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