Workshop: Supporting maternal mental health in the postpartum period


ZOOM modality

Within the framework of World Maternal Health Day, we invite you to a workshop to inform and raise awareness regarding the subject.

When we talk about maternal mental health we are referring to the mental health of women during pregnancy, birth and the postpartum period.

On this occasion, we will share concepts and ways to accompany you during the postpartum period.

We understand that information and empathy from the environment can be protective factors, for this reason we encourage the participation of all those people who in some way accompany women at this stage. At the end we have a space for exchange and to answer the doubts of the participants.


In charge of: Lic. Ps. Chiara Riera · Lic. Ps. Schupp Miracles


Date: 28th of May, 2024

At: 6:00 p.m.

Duration: 60 minutes

Modality: Zoom


Inscriptions: Appointment´s Department: 24871020, ext. 2740

+Info Health Education: 24871020, ext. 4345


Free activity for our hospital scheme members.


We hope you can come!

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