Workshop: Adolescents - Social networks and screens



The use and abuse of screens and networks is an issue that worries and concerns us.

The time children and adolescents spend using them is increasing. The immediate, the uncontrolled consumption warns us and invites us to reflect on their proper use without losing control.

Together with Dr. Teresita Sabat we will talk about social networks and the use of screens in childhood and adolescence and how it affects brain development.

At the end we have time for exchanging ideas and answering the participants`doubts.


In charge of: Dr. Teresita Sabat

Date: Wednesday 25th of June

At: 6:30 p.m.

Duration: 60 minutes.

Modality: Zoom

Aimed at: Adolescents from 12 years old. Parents, Guardians and educators.


Inscriptions: Appointment`s Department: 24871020 ext. 2740

+Info Health Education: 24871020 ext. 4345


We hope you can come!


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