Blood Donation Day in Carrasco


Carrasco Clinic

On Tuesday 20th of August, we invite you to a Blood Donation Day at Carrasco Clinic.

Make your appointment to donate and join the Donor Club with benefits for your family.


Date: 20th of August 20

From: 8:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

Make your appointment: 2487 1020, ext. 4235.


Your solidarity saves lives.

In addition, with an annual donation you get blood for your entire family. Ask about the Hospital's Donor Club.


General specifications for donating blood:

-Be between 18 and 65 years old.

-Weight more than 50 kg.

-Not be suffering from an infectious condition or allergic crisis.

-Not have traveled abroad in the last 30 days.


We hope you can come!

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