New endoscopic POEM technique at the British Hospital

For the first time at the British Hospital, a new endoscopic technique was performed: POEM


The endoscopic technique called POEM (Per Oral Endoscopic Myotomy) is a new minimally invasive technique developed to treat achalasia, a chronic disease that affects the function of the muscle of the esophageal body and the lower esophageal sphincter. This alteration in the muscle prevents the correct contractility of the esophagus and is clinically translated by the difficulty of the passage of solid and liquid foods to the stomach, chest pain, regurgitations and weight loss.

The treatment using the POEM technique consists of cutting the muscle fibers (myotomy) of the esophagus and the esophageal sphincter orally without external incisions at the level of the abdominal or thoracic wall. This area of the muscle fibers encourages the esophagus to relax again to improve the symptoms mentioned above. This technique, which is minimally invasive, allows for a quick recovery, allowing the patient to begin ingesting liquids a few hours after the procedure and resuming a diet the day after the intervention.

In June the POEM procedure was performed on a patient who was diagnosed with esophageal achalasia. The procedure was supervised and supported by Dr. Alejandro Nieponice, Head of the Esophageal and Stomach Surgery Unit of the Favaloro Foundation in Argentina. Dr. Nieponice is an expert and an international reference in performing this technique.

The procedure was carried out in the interventional room of the Digestive Endoscopy Service under general anesthesia. The patient's progress was very favorable and painless and was discharged the next day.


Performing this novel technique represented a unique opportunity for the advancement of the treatment of achalasia in our country and for positioning our Hospital as a reference in this technique.




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