The British Hospital added the Food Revolution Day to its food health habits promotion policy

Diario EL PAIS 28.05.15

In harmony with the hospital educational and health prevention policy and children healthy eating habits, the British Hospital joined the Food Revolution Day, the international program led by the British chef, Jamie Oliver. Last 15th of May was internationally celebrated the so-called Food Revolution day under the slogan "Fighting for Food Education". The initiative, internationally led by Oliver, this time reached 675 cities in 94 countries. In In Uruguay the British Hospital joined the initiative with a new gastronomic workshop, called Petit Gourmet, led by the Chef Diego Ruete and the nutritionists’ institution´s team, in which a group of children with their parents took part. The slogan was "Join the revolutionary lines making a sandwich" so that children cooked bread from the vegetable garden and prepared vegetables to fill them. In turn, the hospital invited the children and the accompanying person to the Pediatrics Department, with a grilled vegetable sandwich made by the catering service. "The British Hospital and the Chef Diego Ruete have been working since 2012 in the acquisition of children and teenagers healthy eating habits, with the gastronomic workshops Petit and Teen Gourmet ". The success of the initiative also led to gastronomic workshops for pregnant, celiac and diabetic people, focused on preparing healthy food snacks for school and high school students. In Uruguay Ruete is the ambassador of the Food Revolution Movement led by Oliver who expects "cooking time to be again a family institution," the family together in the kitchen and making of this moment a transcendent instance, "he said. He mentioned that in this occasion, as in previous workshops, they worked on a very simple recipe: a spinach sandwich and carrot in vegetal bread, made with zucchini, carrots, cheese, pepper and spinach. "In the British Hospital we have been working for a long time on children eating healthy habits” reminded the nutritionist Lucia Agulla. She agreed with Ruete in the importance of "changing these habits from the kitchen" making children part of it and also in the food making, showing it to them in an attractive way besides let them know the things that should be on the table. "Children contact with food is essential”, he said.

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