The British Hospital opens the first clinic in Carrasco

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With more than 100 years in Uruguay, this Thursday the British Hospital inaugurates the first clinic in Carrasco, which main target is to extend the attention provided with services of general medicine, pediatrics, orthopedics, cardiology, and other specialties. Ben Lyster-Binns, the United Kingdom Ambassador of Montevideo, emphasizes that the building has the latest advances in equipment. Martin Wells the British Hospital president, mentioned - in a conversation with LARED21.TV, that this is the first time in more than 100 years that the healthcare centre has a ¨satellite¨ outside the central hospital, which is located in Tres Cruces. “The idea is to get closer to a high percent of our members as well as providing 30 medical offices for the different specialties” mentioned Wells. In addition to medical specialties, some of the support services that the polyclinic of Carrasco provided, are last generation ultrasound, x-ray, laboratories for extractions and physiotherapy services. The proposal is to achieve a combination of benefits, providing better services for members, facilitating the access to medical appointments as well as reducing overcrowding in the area of Tres Cruces. Wells emphasized that British members live in the east part of Montevideo, in Pocitos, Carrasco and in la Costa de Oro, as well as in Parque Batlle where the Hospital is located. The health centre has about 28 thousand members and also a public of 80 and 90 people of private and other healthcare institutions. That is how the British Hospital of Carrasco looks like. “The intention is not about increasing the number of members, but to have the right space so as to offer the best service and medical attention”, specified the director of the Institution. According to the British Hospital director, Walter Pereyra, "this is the first step out of the hospital in the area of Tres Cruces, which has been its traditional location". He added that this means a “great challenge in trying to keep the same level of attention, as well as a great illusion to meet and reach members expectations, to whom all the institution staff express gratitude”.  Futhermore, Ben Lyster-Binns the UK ambassador in Montevideo said that the opening of the polyclinic is an "achievement" of many years of work that´s why it is a very important day for all members. "The building has the latest equipment to provide services to all British Hospital members and to those who live in the east," said the diplomat, who cut the ribbon in the opening of the building. On the other hand, he remarked that we are working on a project called “Eco”, for which the hospital physicians will establish bonds with other professionals within the country to “exchange information” on specific diseases due to the lack of certain specialists outside the capital. 

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