Global Healthcare Challenges and Opportunities

Jueves 26 de mayo de 12 a 13 hs. Anfiteatro 3er piso Hospital Britanico. CONFERENCIA (EN INGLES) - Inscripciones: Cupos limitados

Anfiteatro 3er piso Hospital Britanico



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Global Healthcare Challenges and Opportunities. Organiza Laboratorio de Otoneurologia.(Hospital Britanico) Area de Ingenieria Biomedica. IEEE rama estudiantil. Recent advances in medical technology have significantly improved the human health in developed countries. However, these advances remain out of touch for much of the world’s population. We still face unprecedented healthcare challenges in the 21st century. The prevalence of major diseases today, from the global AIDS pandemic to antibiotic-resistant tuberculosis, cuts across the healthcare, political, economic, social, and biomedical disciplines: These diseases will continue affecting the world unless major measures are taken to develop comprehensive prevention and treatment programs.   Thus, biomedical engineers are expected to play a critical role in developing novel and affordable medical technology and drugs to solve global healthcare problems, especially in the developing countries.The objectives of this talk are to review the healthcare systems, financing, delivery and management in the world, recent advances in information technologies in healthcare and their use in diagnosing, treating, and preventing diseases

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