Cochleovestibular system aging pathology, clinical impact and therapeutic strategies.

16 August 2013 8.30 am to 6 pm

British Hospital Polyclinic– Morales 2578

B Auditorium – 3rd floor

Limited capacity– 40

Cost $ 500


Ana Belén Elgohen - Director of the Phisiology and Genetics of Hearing Laboratory. INGEBI-CONICET - Argentina Marcos Goycoolea - Director of the Otorringología department of the Las Condes Clynic - Santiago de Chile - Professor, Department of Otolaryngology,  University of Minnesota - USA Rafael Radi - Professor of Biochemistry, UDELAR. Marisa Pedemonte- Professor of Physiology - CLAEH Mariana Arocena - Director of Vestibular Rehabilitation Department - Otoneurology Laboratory - British Hospital Hamlet Suarez - General Coordinator - UCUDAL Agenda • Biology of aging and presbycusis • Free radicals, antioxidants and aging receivers cochleovestibular • Tinnitus: Pathophysiology • Tinnitus Treatment - Acoustic Stimulation • Hearing and aging • Cochlear implants in adults • Elder balance disorders - Pathophysiology and clinical • Rehabilitation of balance disorders of the elderly

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