Introduction to pediatric palliative care

1st Noviembre de 2013 08.00 a 16.30 hrs

Policlínico Hospital Británico – Auditorio B
Morales 2578 – 3er Piso
Costo: $ 500
Cupos Limitados

"Introduction to pediatric palliative care" Thursday, 7 March 2013 From 08.00 am to 16.00 pm Teachers: Prof. Dr. Mercedes Bernada Agda Prof. Adj. Dr. Patricia Dall'Orso Psychologist Dallo Maria de los Angeles Psychologist Elena Bernada General objective Spread the basic concepts of pediatric palliative care and provide a moment to reflect on the theoretical and practical issues of addressing children who are liable to palliative care for health professionals related to pediatrics. Specific objectives At the end of the workshop participants will be able to: • Recognize children with health conditions that may need palliative care and identify different clinical stages in relation to the risk of death. • Identify key biological, psychological, social and spiritual factors. • Recognize and apply to the basic principles of pain management in children and in their families. • Identify key elements of good communication with children and their families. • Use the basic principles of bioethics and national legislation for making decisions according to the palliative care strategy. Coordinator: Adj Prof Patricia Dall'Orso Prof Agda. Mercedes Bernada Target: Pediatricians, nurses, physiotherapists, psychologists and health professionals that serve children.

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