8th International Workshop on Neuroendoscopy

April 22 - 24th of 2015 From 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

British Hospital Auditorium
Morales Polyclinic
Morales Street 2578 - 3rd Floor

Theoretical and Hands-on course A high-level meeting of international and local Professors Honorary Guest: Prof. Dr. Bernhard Bauer - Honorary President of the IFNE Under the auspices of: World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies, WFNS International Federation of Neuroendoscopy, IFNE Latinoamerican Syudy Group of Neuroendoscopy,GLEN Saint Louis University The Walter Dandy Society Medical University of Vienna Neurosurgical Socity of Uruguay, SUNC Further informations and enrollment : Mr. Alberto Basigaluz | basigaluz.alberto@gmail.com | +598 94400879  

Auditorio asistente a la Jornada.

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