Hand Surgery: Videoconference of Inter consultation with the Catholic University of Río Grande do Sul, Brasil

Tuesday 28th of April, 2015 From 12 pm to 1 pm

Peluffo Giguens Telemedicine Center Foundation
Gastón Ramón Bvar. Artigas corner no number
Telemedicine Network: Maldonado, Paysandú, Salto and Tacuarembó Ho

Experiences ‘exchange with the Catholic University of Río Grande do Sul (PUCRS) by the Professor Jefferson Braga Silva. Aimed at: Plastic Surgeons, Traumatologists, Physiatrists, Residents of these specialties, Occupational Therapists. Time punctuality +INFO and registrations until the 27th of April, 2015: cirugiaplastica@hospitalbritanico.org.uy Assistance confirmation is requested inside the country points

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