4th of December, from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm.
British Hospital Auditórium
Morales Polyclinic
Morales 2578 3rd Floor
Target audience: Plastic Surgeons, Dermatologists, Physiatrists, Physiotherapists, Geriatricians, Physicians, and Nursing Assistants, Graduates in Psychology. Exhibitors: Dr. Alejandra Peyre (Dermatology Department), Lic. Raquel Bueno (Nursing Department), Lic. Ps. María Del Rosario Montero, Dr. Juan Martín Comesaña (Physical Medicine and Physiotherapy Department) and Dr. Natalia Sorrenti (Plastic Surgeon Department). Coordination by Dr. Enrique Fossati, and Dr. Natalia Sorrenti. Dr. Alejandra Peyré +INFO and enrolments: cirugiaplastica@hospitalbritanico.org.uy