Vaccination Plan 2013

Approaching again to the epidemiological seasonal period we offer some information and recommendations. VACCINATION AGAINST INFLUENZA (Flu) 2013 We alredy have the flu vaccine for free. The vaccine is the TRIVALENT recommended by the World Health Organization (Lab. Sanofi Pasteur) Priority groups: -Pregnant (consult the gynaecologist) -First 6 months postpartum -Children from 6 months to 4 years old -Health personnel -Essential services staff -Teachers, journalists and media workers -Over 65 years -Staff of poultry and poultry farms -People with chronic Contraindicated for: -Children under 6 months -People allergic to eggs -People who are allergic to the vaccine tested -“Guillen Barre” Syndrome -Current febrile illness Along with the flu vaccine will be administrated (free of charge) the Neumo 23 with medical prescription up to 64 years and without prescription from 65. Monday to Friday from 8.00 to 19.00 / Saturdays from 8.00 to 12.30 British Hospital. Vaccination Centre. Morales 2564 Tel 2487 10 20 ext. 2999

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