Physical Activity

Based on The World Physical Activity Day, held on Saturday 6, the Hospital carried out the Physical Activity Week, with information and education activities focused on promoting changes in everyday habits and disease prevention . All week our users were greeted with posters and leaflets,and welcome to modify the small daily habits like neglecting the elevator and using the stairs or travel on foot or by bicycle instead of always using the car. A survey was raised concerning their habits. And bookmarks were given as a reminder that small changes can mean a lot to health. The information provided emphasized the benefits of integrating physical activity into daily life. Thus, among others, noted that walking increases the generation of endorphins and thereby relieves stress, tension, anger and fatigue. Walking also limits the disease, to halve the risk of catching a cold, works the shoulder and arm muscles, increases bone mass, which reduces the risk of osteoporosis, strengthens the legs, including the quadriceps, and burning more calories than running. Also, climbing stairs burn 5 times more calories than using the elevator. The initiative was well received by our customers and partners who know our vocation to work in education and prevention. Transforming the Day of Physical Activity in a week to promote lifestyle changes aimed at winning quality of life.

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