New endoscopic POEM technique at the British Hospital

For the first time at the British Hospital, a new endoscopic technique was performed: POEM   The endoscopic technique called POEM (Per Oral Endoscopic Myotomy) is a new minimally invasive technique developed to treat achalasia, a chronic disease that affects the function of the muscle of...

Birth Rooms

More than 20 years ago the British Hospital set a historic precedent regarding the conception of childbirth, birth and the care of the couple and the family led by Dr. Juan Carlos Scasso.   Today we mark another milestone by inaugurating new Birth Rooms that higligth our philosophy of...

New technology to prevent hair loss in cancer patients

British Hospital has incorporated equipment to prevent hair loss in breast cancer patients: Neocaps Cold Helmets. The Oncology Department of the British Hospital has incorporated the necessary equipment to make available to breast cancer patients the possibility of using “cold...