Solidarity campaign Health BUBBLES

During handwashing month, we will be carrying out a solidarity campaign in order to educate and encourage the best habit which help to prevent diseases. At Morales Polyclinic we will gladly receive your donation and we will multiply it. For every soap you donate, we will add one...

World Day of the Fight against Breast Cancer

In recognition of everyone, patients, families and professionals, who day after day fight against this disease which affects one in ten women in our country. At the British Hospital we are engaged in this fight. For this reason, to learn more about how to prevent and detect breast cancer...

Heart’s Week

From September 28th to the 2nd of October   This year under the slogan "From the Heart to the Brain, actions for your life" we invite you to follow us in our networks and know about our specialists’ recommendations to take care of your heart. Among other activities...

Curso de Memoria

Comienza un nuevo ciclo del curso que tiene como principal objetivo, la salud mental del adulto. Este programa de estimulación cerebral se basa en la reserva cognitiva y en la plasticidad neuronal. Está abocado a mejorar el rendimiento mental mediante ejercicios y entrenamiento de...

Día del Funcionario de la Salud

El viernes 11 de setiembre se conmemora el Día del Funcionario de la Salud. Este día es feriado no laborable para el sector privado, por lo que nuestros servicios permanecerán abiertos en régimen de Emergencia. Este año saludamos especialmente a todo...

Multimodal Medical Agenda and new online services

Through the Appointment´s department, the App or online services, each member of the Hospital now has the facility to choose the medical consultation that is most convenient for the person:   We have completed a joint work with our professionals to offer the possibility of choosing...

International Alzheimer's Day

On the 21st of September, the International Alzheimer's Day is celebrated (World Alzheimer's Day), a date that was chosen by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Alzheimer's Federation (ADI). During this day, activities are carried out to raise awareness and promote...

Children's Day

At the Hospital we wanted to dedicate a very special message to all our children in their day.   See video...