Vaccination Plan 2013

Approaching again to the epidemiological seasonal period we offer some information and recommendations. VACCINATION AGAINST INFLUENZA (Flu) 2013 We alredy have the flu vaccine for free. The vaccine is the TRIVALENT recommended by the World Health Organization (Lab. Sanofi...

Quality Certificate ISO 9001

This month our Hospital received a certification in food handling practices from LATU. This certification is the product of a very careful change process. This important goal for our Hospital was achieved thanks to our staff...

Christmas in the Hospital

A group of puppeteers, actors and musicians attended the 24th at noon to the hospital, to encourage children who had medical appointments that day or were hospitalized for various reasons. They visited each room offering songs, music and puppets to patients who remained hospitalized at...

Diabetes Day

November 14, we celebrated Diabetes International Day. As part of this activity we made glycemia and blood pressure controls without cost, in the satnd located in our main Hall. Information leaflets Sugar free gifts Gastronomic activities for kids Workshops for our staff Focus in the...

Blood Donor Day

November 12 we celebrated the Volunteer Blood Donor Day. It was an awareness day about about blood donation importance. British Hospital has a Donors Club. You are invited to donate blood once a year what gives your family tranquility in those moments when blood donation is indefectible. We...

Children Day

August, 11th 2012. We celebrated the Children Day with our staff and their kids. This is an activity we repeat every year to group people from our staff and their families in a playful moment dedicated to our kids. As well, musical and theatrical activities were performed  <a...

“Parents and children, a trip back home”

British Hospital has implemented a program called “Parents and children, a trip back home” It is our goal maximizing education in the family environment and helps to get a correct emotional development. The program consisted of 4 meetings, headed by Dr. Ariel Gold, oriented to...

British Hospital Second Week

Academic and scientific activities were developed between professionals from different specialties. Professionals in charge of every area at the Hospital realized an update of their specialties and share clinical cases and experiences. Acute respiratory infection, new answers in...