Día del Funcionario de la Salud

Deseamos a todos nuestros funcionarios un feliz día y les agradecemos por su labor de dedicación y atención diaria. A nuestros socios les recordamos que durante el miércoles 11, se mantiene la atención para casos de urgencia y...


Birth Course Start: the first week of each month To accompany them during the first months of their children's lives, the Hospital Scheme and SNS families are invited to participate in the POSTPARTUM COURSE. + INFO and Registration: Department of Health Education, number...

KNITTING CARE:: Voluntary knitters

Knitting CARE, is a solidary cause, where we knit to shelter and care for those who most need it. On three spots of the British Hospital you will find, “Knitting points”, with wools and knitting needles available so that you can use on your spare time. You can also help knitting...

Children´s Day

At the British Hospital we celebrate this day with our little members in a fun day of Alimentarte.   Get more...

Breastfeeding Week

From August the 1st to the 7th, the World Breastfeeding Week is commemorated. From the British Hospital we invite our Hospital Scheme affiliates to participate in a workshop on healthy and balanced eating guidelines, highlighting the benefits of breastfeeding in the newborn and the importance of...

Nuevas Policlínicas Especializadas

Seguimos incorporando nuevas policlínicas especializadas para la atención integral de nuestros socios. Policlínica Del Viajero    Violencia y Género Deglución Deportología Mastología Coloproctología Conoce...

America´s Cup

Those members travelling to the America´s Cup, that have the valid Travel Plan, can pick up a FIRST AID Kit and its USER GUIDE, at the Membership´s Department. To cheer Uruguay with all the assurances!   Download the App and assure your...

Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente

  Con pequeñas acciones podemos generar grandes cambios.   En el #DíaMundialDelMedioAmbiente nos comprometemos a seguir sumando acciones para para lograr un entorno sostenible. Te invitamos a conocer los pasos que hemos dado en este camino. (leer...