Sexual life after 40

We remind you that tomorrow, Thursday, we look forward to your attendance on the Masculine Sexuality workshop in charge of Dr. Santiago Cedrés, to address sexual health, dysfunctions and how to achieve satisfaction at this stage. For further information and registration: 2487 10 20 ext....

International Amblyopia International Day

On behalf of the International Amblyopia International Day, we will welcome every child between 3 and 14 years old that attend the British Hospital, and invite them to make an amblyopia detection checkup. We look forward to your attendance on paediatrics from 15:30 to...

Sexual life after 40

During the month of October, and with the aim of raise awareness about woman health, we invite you to participate on a workshop in which we will address sexual health, couples and satisfaction for women over 40 years old. Registration: 2487 10 20 ext....

Stress Workshop

We invite you next Wednesday, August 15, to attend our “Stress Workshop” in charge of Dr. Roberto Superchi, on the Central Policlinic Auditorium. We will learn how to manage stress in an efficient way, and we will talk about new resources to deal with different situations. For further...

Attentive Eating

Because a healthy eating should be balanced, sufficient and adequate, we invite you to our “attentive eating” workshop. We look forward to your attendance, with the nutritionist Maren Torheim, on the Central Hospital Auditorium. For registration contact us at 2487 10 20 ext. 4344...

Healthy Eating Planning

We invite you to our new fat, salt and sugar workshop, as part of the Healthy Eating Planning course, in charge of the nutritionist Maren Torheim. Starting on May 30, from 09:30 to 11:00hs, and on May 31, from 17:30 to 19:00hs. For further information, contact us at 2487 10 20 ext....

International day of the Celiac Pathology

On the International day of the Celiac Pathology, we invite you to participate on a workshop in which you will be able to reflect on the differences between being allergic to gluten, have sensibility to it, or being celiac. In charge of Dr. Daniela Armas and the nutritionist Mercedes Medina. We...

Domestic Accidents

We invite you to our “Domestic Accidents” workshop in charge of Dr. Verónica Morales (plastic surgeon) and odontologist Carla Broglia, aimed at parents and child carers. Place: Central Policlinic Auditorium. Limited capacity. Contact us at 2487 10 20 ext....