Vlll Breast Surgery Conference

Guest speakers: Dr. Sirlei Dos Santos Costa, from Brazil. Dr. Rosa María Blotta, from Brazil. Coordination by: Dr. Enrique Fossati Dr. Varinia Scaniello +INFO and enrollments:...

Analysis of the current situation of imaging in Uruguay

Speakers: Prof. Dr. Luis Dibarboure, Cathedra Director of the department of imaging UDELAR. Pof. Dr. Néstror Di Trápani, British Hospital Director of the Imaging Diagnosis Department. Dr. Alicia Aznárez, Enforcement Division of the Ministry of Public...

Training Course in Palliative Care

Pre activity – “100 years Congress of the Uruguayan Pediatrics Society “ First Training Course in Palliative Care EPC project for Latin American. + INFO and enrollmens: Uruguayan Pediatrics Society...

Updating in Connective Tissue Diseases

Guest Speaker: Dr. Cristián Andrés Vera Kellet. Dermatology Assistant Professor. Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. Coordination by: Prof. Adj. Dr. Alejandra Larreborges, Dr. Mercedes Laporte and Dr. Sofía Nicoletti. Free inscriptions vía email:...

Fifth week of the British Hospital

Multidisciplinary approach of health Centers of interest. Aim to: Physicians, Nurses, Nursing Assistants and general public. Free assistance. Further information: emc@hospitalbritanico.org.uy...

Gynecology Atheneaum: GIST TUMORS - DYSPAREUNIA

Gynecological Aheneaum: interdisciplinary. Dyspareunia Clinical Case: Dr. Bruno Sarubbo Dr. Juan C Scasso – Dr. M. Dellepiane Physicians to participate: Dr. Verónica Etchegoimberry- Dr. Martin Rodríguez Parodi (Medical imaging), Prof. Gustavo Veirano (General...