Updating in Connective Tissue Diseases

Guest Speaker: Dr. Cristián Andrés Vera Kellet. Dermatology Assistant Professor. Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. Coordination by: Prof. Adj. Dr. Alejandra Larreborges, Dr. Mercedes Laporte and Dr. Sofía Nicoletti. Free inscriptions vía email:...

Fifth week of the British Hospital

Multidisciplinary approach of health Centers of interest. Aim to: Physicians, Nurses, Nursing Assistants and general public. Free assistance. Further information: emc@hospitalbritanico.org.uy...

Gynecology Atheneaum: GIST TUMORS - DYSPAREUNIA

Gynecological Aheneaum: interdisciplinary. Dyspareunia Clinical Case: Dr. Bruno Sarubbo Dr. Juan C Scasso – Dr. M. Dellepiane Physicians to participate: Dr. Verónica Etchegoimberry- Dr. Martin Rodríguez Parodi (Medical imaging), Prof. Gustavo Veirano (General...

Opportunity of improvement in the Plasma F production

Special participation of the representatives of the Plant Blood products of the National University of Córdoba, Argentina: Master. Catalina Massa, Executive Director Master. Corina Zucchi, Pincipal of the Raw Material Acquisition Activity addressed to professionals of the...