Organized by: The British Hospital Plastic Surgery Department...
Organized by: The British Hospital Plastic Surgery Department...
Guest Speaker: Dr. Cristián Andrés Vera Kellet. Dermatology Assistant Professor. Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. Coordination by: Prof. Adj. Dr. Alejandra Larreborges, Dr. Mercedes Laporte and Dr. Sofía Nicoletti. Free inscriptions vía email:...
Multidisciplinary approach of health Centers of interest. Aim to: Physicians, Nurses, Nursing Assistants and general public. Free assistance. Further information:
Gynecological Aheneaum: interdisciplinary. Dyspareunia Clinical Case: Dr. Bruno Sarubbo Dr. Juan C Scasso – Dr. M. Dellepiane Physicians to participate: Dr. Verónica Etchegoimberry- Dr. Martin Rodríguez Parodi (Medical imaging), Prof. Gustavo Veirano (General...
Guest: Dr. Elena Mary Diéguez Free entrance. Time...
Options of treatment exchange in difficult cases of hand surgery. Connection with the Pontificial Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, Dr. Jefferson Braga Silva. Aim to: Plastic Surgeons, Traumatoligists, Physiatrists and students of these specialities. Activities without cost...
Special participation of the representatives of the Plant Blood products of the National University of Córdoba, Argentina: Master. Catalina Massa, Executive Director Master. Corina Zucchi, Pincipal of the Raw Material Acquisition Activity addressed to professionals of the...