Course Workshop: Evaluations of Health Interventions

Course - Workshop oriented to health teams whicht are linked to community intervention proyects on healthy lifestyles.   Speakers: Dr. Branka Lagetic - OPS Dr. María Isabel Bove Mag. Luisa Saravia Dr. Alicia Sosa Inscriptions: Phone number: 2480 27 15 Cost: $...

Course for Surgical Instrumentalists in Endoscopic Surgery

 Course for Surgical Instrumentalists in Endoscopic Surgery. Organized by: Clínica Ginecotocológica "C" Co organized by: Centro Regional de Cirugía Endoscópica and Hospital Británico Information and Registration:...

IX Day of Hand Surgery

Friday 24th From 6:00 p.m to 9:30 p.m. Demonstration in cadaveric dissections for coverage of defects in the upper and lower limb. Place: Anatomy Chair - Medicine University - UDELAR Saturday 25th form 9:00a.m. to 12:00p.m. Systematization Conference of skin coverage of Upper Limb by...

Hematology updated:

 Speakers:  Dr. Sacha Bittelman (Chile) Dr. Jorge Korin (Argentina) Dr. Carlos Morillo (Canadá)   Expert Commentary: Dr. Alberto Fernández Dra. Ana Otero Dr. Gabriel Vanerio Panelists: Dr. Daniel Bulla Dra. Cecilia Carrizo  Dra. Lilián...