Hematology Updates | New therapeutic approaches

Follicular non-Hodgkin lymphoma, Diffuse large B cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma, T non-Hodgkin lymphoma, Hodgkin lymphoma Dates: 23rd and 24th of October From: 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.   Foreign guests: Dr. Carla Casulo (USA) Dr. Alison Moskowitz (USA) Dr. Guilherme Perini...

II Updating Day at the Pediatric Emergency Service – Adults

BRITISH HOSPITAL EMERGENCY SERVICE AND CONTINUING MEDICAL EDUCATION II Update Day in the Pediatric Emergency Service - Adults.   Foreign guests: Dr. Lorena Greca (ARG). Pediatric Emergency Specialist Pediatrician. Chief of Guard of the Santísima Trinidad Children's...

Snoring course

BRITISH HOSPITAL OTORHINOLARINGOLOGY DPTO. AND CONTINUING MEDICAL EDUCATION.   International Guest: Dr. Michel Cahali (BRA)   Date and time of the event: Friday 13th of October 2023, from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.   Place: Auditorium B. Parque Batlle I. Morales Polyclinic...

Updating :: Pediatric Neurosurgery

DEPARTMENT OF NEUROSURGERY. BRITISH HOSPITAL Fetal surgery in spinal cord dysraphisms. Craniostenosis: update, diagnosis, therapeutics. Date and time of the event: Friday 20th of October from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Place: Auditorium B, Parque Batlle I Polyclinic. General...

First Week of Clinical Simulation

NURSING DEPARTMENT. BRITISH HOSPITAL.   Foreign guests:   Mgtr. Eliana Escudero: Consultant and adviser on education, research and simulation projects. Mgtr. Marlova Silva: Consultant and advisor in education, research and simulation projects. Mgtr. Karen Vergara:...

Abuse and other violence in dermatological language

CONTINUING MEDICAL EDUCATION. DERMATOLOGY DEPARTMENT. BRITISH HOSPITAL Special guests:  Dr. Magdalena García Trovero. Psych. of children and adolescents. Systemic psychotherapist. Certified EMDR specialist. Professor of Psychotraumatology. Care work at ASSE. Former Director...

Coloproctology Unit. Scientific presentation

COMMITTEE ON CONTINUING MEDICAL EDUCATION, COLOPROCTOLOGY UNIT, BRITISH HOSPITAL. Guest from the University of Sevilla, Spain: Prof. Dr. Fernando de la Portilla. Date and time of the event: Wednesday 21st of June 2023 from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Place: Parque Batlle II Polyclinic,...