CYCLE 2023: Hypertension Course

A multidisciplinary team of professionals is committed to helping to bring about changes in lifestyles through the correct management of stress, the proper and conscious importance of caring for our body and the apprehension of healthy eating habits. Workshop led by an interdisciplinary team...

CYCLE 2022: Family psychoeducation against Alzheimer

This program is aimed at optimizing the care of the caregiver, collaborating in the patient´s care without losing the patient’s personal care and the family well-being.   Workshop in charge of Mag. Ana Charamelo. PROGRAM 2022 Monthly meetings via Zoom (first Thursdays...

CYCLE 2022: Birth Course

We invite you to share with us the Birth Preparation Course with theoretical and practical classes, together with our whole team of professionals. Through this space we intend to accompany you and clear up doubts that might arise during this special moment. In charge of the...

CICLO 2022: Pilates classes for pregnant women

Pilates classes for pregnant women. Exclusive benefit "Club de Padres" to be used within the month that the Birth Course begins. Performed by: Prof. Sandra Eiraldi. Check dates and times. Zoom Modality. Inscriptions: Health Education`Department: 2487 1020, ext. 4345. You will...

CYCLE 2022: Vegetarian Food Course

As well as planning what we are going to eat every day by choosing healthy and simple recipes to prepare, during the course we will try to offer practical guidelines to have an organized weekly diet.   DATE: Tuesday, 15th and 22nd of November SCHEDULE: From 11:00 a.m. to 12:30...

CICLO 2022: Curso Meal Prep Saludable

Durante el curso, además de proyectar qué vamos a comer cada día, eligiendo recetas sanas y sencillas de elaborar, trataremos de ofrecer tips prácticos para tener la dieta semanal organizada. Adelantar preparaciones completas o parte de ellas y tenerlas en la heladera...

CYCLE 2022: Losing weight Course applying Mindfulness

Support and planning weekly group workshops of 1 hour and a half to improve eating habits by addressing specific pathologies without losing the pleasure of eating.   Professional in charge: The Graduate in Nutrition Maren Torheim    SEPTEMBER: Zoom...